Chip fabrication, also known as semiconductor fabrication, is the process of creating integrated circuits or chips. This process includes multiple steps that are carried out in specialized facilities called fabs.
The first step in chip fabrication is designing the integrated circuit. Once the design is complete, the chip is fabricated on a wafer made of silicon or other materials. The wafer is then processed in a series of steps to create the desired electrical function.
The process includes steps like photolithography, etching, implantation, and deposition. Through these steps, layers of material are added to the wafer, and the patterns are created to form the integrated circuit.
Once the fabrication process is complete, the wafer is tested for functionality, and individual chips are cut from the wafer. The chips are then packaged and distributed to end-users.
Chip fabrication is a complex and precise process, requiring specialized equipment, materials, and technical expertise. Companies like Intel, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), and Samsung are some of the leading chip manufacturers in the world.
Chip fabrication has revolutionized the technology industry and has led to innovations like smartphones, computers, and other electronic devices. The demand for faster, smaller, and more powerful chips has driven continuous improvements in chip fabrication technology.